Friday, 2 March 2012

The illusiion of life- personality and crafts

 Thomas, F.T.  Johnston, O.J.1997
The Illusion of Life Disney Animation
"In every art form it is the emotional content that makes the difference between mere tecnhical skill and true art. The poet, sculptor, dancer, painter, singer, actor- all everntually can become proficient in their crafts, dazzling mechanical perfection, but their work will be meaningless unless the personal perceptions of the artist are communicated as well."pg 473

This quotes explains that you can have all the skills and be able to master your craft but you need the personality and emotion in it to become great. It suggests that technical skill is not everything when it comes to the creative arts. I think that you do need a passion in something to become great in it, and you need to give something a personality to seem real to the viewers.

"This thought was stated most simply by one studio artist when he noted that many of the young men "could animate beautifully, but that isn't what makes you laugh and what makes the tears come"." pg473

I really like this quote as it proves that you could spend hours, even days, drawing and animating a character and perfecting it however without a personality or emotion it will not appeal to the audeince, it will not grab them and it will seem lacking to the viewers.

"(Obviously,) this all will be easier and more interesting if the animator likes the character in the first place. We advised a group of young animators: "Look for the things in your characters that make them so interesting that you end up loving them. They should be appealing to you; you are creating them. Endow them with all the great qualities you like that are consistent with their personalities, so that you will want to be around them." " pg 397

This quotes is interesting as yet again it shows that you need to have passion about what you are creating. You need to give your character a personality that will define them and will also be memorable and liked by the viewers. However you need to like this character aswell, you need to know it inisde and out and create a character that you enjoy making.
Personality is a big thing when creating a character, not only for the audience and for development of a character but for the animator and concept artsist. Everyone who is part of creating that character should know it really well, they should know how the characetr gets angry and upset and how the character shows the emtions. This will help the development of the character as you will be able to learn how to draw it in certain situations/scenes and how the audiences will perceive it.

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