Wednesday, 15 February 2012

Blog quotes

John.K.Stuff, J.K.S. Monday 13th February 2012.
"When I design characters for myself, I think less about design than I do about personality. In fact, I rarely think at all about it. I feel it instead."

This quote suggests that a concept artist shouldnt worry about the designs and what the character should look like but should focus more on how the character should act, for example, are they grump as you cacn create a whole chracter around a personailty or emotion.

"Usually my own characters start as an idea that rests somewhere between a general character type and a specific variation. Then I let nature take its course and allow the characters to evolve, being pushed along by the stories I write for them."

Not all characters need to be developed by drawings, they can be developed by storyboards and the script. They can change and grow over time into a different looking character, depending on what the story wants

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